For a comprehensive list of publications and corresponding citations, visit my Google Scholar page.

You can find an open source (and sometimes extended) version of all of these papers on the arXiv.

Journal Articles

Global performance guarantees for localized model predictive control [Code]
J.S. Li, C. Amo Alonso
To appear in IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems, 2023. [Click here to read the abstract]

Distributed and Localized Model Predictive Control. Part II: Theoretical Guarantees [Code]
C. Amo Alonso, J.S. Li, J. Anderson, and N. Matni
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2023. [Click here to read the abstract]

Distributed and Localized Model Predictive Control. Part I: Synthesis and Implementation [Code]
C. Amo Alonso, J.S. Li, J. Anderson, and N. Matni
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2023. [Click here to read the abstract]

Data-driven Distributed and Localized Model Predictive Control [Code]
C. Amo Alonso*, Fengjun Yang*, and N. Matni (* denotes equal contribution)
IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems, 2022. [Click here to read the abstract]

Conference Proceedings

Effective GPU Parallelization of Distributed and Localized Model Predictive Control
C. Amo Alonso, and S-H. Tseng
IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, 2022. [Click here to read the abstract]
Best Student Paper Award

Frontiers in Scalable Distributed Control: SLS, MPC, and Beyond
J.S. Li, C. Amo Alonso, and J. C. Doyle
IEEE American Control Conference (ACC), 2021. [Click here to read the abstract]

Explicit Distributed and Localized Model Predictive Control via System Level Synthesis [Code] [Video]
C. Amo Alonso, J. Anderson, and N. Matni
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2020. [Click here to read the abstract]

Distributed and Localized Model Predictive Control via System Level Synthesis [Code] [Video]
C. Amo Alonso, and N. Matni
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2020. [Click here to read the abstract]

System Level Synthesis via Dynamic Programming
S-H. Tseng, C. Amo Alonso, SJ. Han
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2020. [Click here to read the abstract]

Distributed Linear Quadratic Regulator Robust to Communication Dropouts [Video]
C. Amo Alonso, D. Ho, and J.M. Maestre
World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 2020. [Click here to read the abstract]

Architecture and Trade-offs in the Heat Shock Response System
N. Olsman, C. Amo Alonso, J. C. Doyle
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2018. [Click here to read the abstract]

Ph.D. Thesis

Distributed and Localized Model Predictive Control [Code]
C. Amo Alonso, 2023. [Click here to read the abstract]